When our lives come to an end, we can take nothing with us. Whether we cultivate ourselves or not, we cannot avoid aging, illness and death. Those who don’t cultivate themselves give rise to afflictions and accumulate much negative karma. In the end, they pass away and cease to exist in this world.
Back when the Buddha was alive, he spoke much about karmic causes and conditions. In all, practicing goodness brings a bright future while doing unwholesome deeds brings bad consequences. So, whether we sow seeds of goodness or commit evil deeds, we are creating karmic causes and conditions.
If we give rise to ignorance and afflictions, we ourselves will suffer the consequences. Yet, we can get rid of our ignorance. The Buddha has taught us how to eliminate our ignorance and afflictions. He explained that the things everyone pursues, such as personal gain, social status, wealth, lust, fame, etc., all come down to nothing. In the end, all these things bring us nothing at all but leaves us with one single thing, karma.
Do we accumulate good or bad karma? When we continue to accumulate good karma life after life without ever ceasing, we will reap the seeds we sow and naturally, we will become sages and saints.
Walking on the Bodhisattva Path, we give without asking for return. No matter how hard it is, we give joyfully and willingly. To live out our vow, we serve unconditionally. Back in the Buddha’s time, there was a story.



The Elephant and the Hunter
Once, a woman said to her husband: “Our money is running dry. You should think about how to make ends meet.” The wife encouraged her husband to go hunting and prepared hunting tools for him. With the tools, he headed up a mountain.
A herd of elephants lived peacefully there, and the only thing they feared were hunters. This is because hunters would kill them for their tusks.
One elephant kept the tusks of its father and ancestors in a hidden place. One day, the elephant saw a person in the woods. It thought, “Rather than being spotted, I might as well approach him.” So, it made sounds, and hearing them, the hunter approached it.
The elephant said “If I give you a tusk, you must promise to never return to the forest.” The hunter said, “I can trade the tusk and live comfortably. Why would I come back up this mountain?” So, the elephant gave the hunter a tusk. The hunter took the tusk joyfully and took it to the market.
He stopped by a tavern. The owner thought: “I can benefit from this man.” The owner served the hunter hospitably, offering him much food and wine. When the hunter was very drunk, the owner brought a contract and said: “I want to buy this tusk from you. Let us sign a contract stating how long you can enjoy food and drink in my tavern.”
Days later, the hunter returned for a drink but was rejected. “You’ve used up all your balance.” “How is that possible? That tusk is very valuable!” “See? Here’s your fingerprint on our contract!” The hunter thought “I should return to the mountain.”
Back at the mountain, he saw the elephant. The elephant asked: ”Didn’t you take a tusk already?” “I did, but due to bad judgement, I lost it over a couple of drinks. Now, I won’t be able to answer to my wife.” So, the elephant took its father’s tusk and gave it to the man, saying “I’ll give this to you, but you mustn’t return.” “I just want to fulfill my wife’s expectations.” Then, the man went off.
Halfway home, he passed by the tavern again. And once again, he was tricked by the owner as he got completely drunk. He returned to the mountain and saw that the elephant was sleeping. He shot an arrow at the elephant and it pierced its forehead. Waking up, the elephant saw that it was the hunter, so it said to him. “I still have the strength to kill you, but I won’t do it. I will fulfill your wish. Take my tusk quickly, otherwise, when my herd arrives, they will kill you. I will protect you.” And so, the elephant allowed the hunter to take its tusks. The hunter then left.
After finishing this story, the Buddha said to everyone. ”That hunter was one of the evil monks in the Sangha who for many lifetimes were a monk’s robe but cheated others for personal gain. The elephant was King  Bimbisara, who cultivated blessings for many lifetimes and therefore became a king.”
This story is not about the Buddha’s past lives but about King Bimbisara’s past lives. So, we must be mindful. Sometimes, the Buddha shared stories about his disciples’ past lives. At other times, he told stories from his own past. Disciples of the Buddha may have accumulated negative habitual tendencies in their past lives. And lay practitioners who follow the Buddha may have accumulated great goodness.
這就是佛陀要講的因緣,就像那位醉人一樣,他太太叫他出去,他就要出去了,這不謹慎,貪心起,取到象牙,一次再一次,這種享受,光是迷在那酒氣,就像這樣,這就是因緣, 我們的心要時時,好好謹慎思考。
This is what the Buddha talked about karmic causes and conditions. Take the hunter for example, when his wife
asked him to make a living, he did as he was told. Yet, giving rise to greed, he took the elephant tusks once and again and did nothing but indulge himself in wine and food. This is how karma is accumulated, so, we must safeguard our minds at all times.


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