Our desires can bring us a lot of afflictions and trouble. Desires are like sugar-coated poison, which may taste sweet but will slowly corrode our organs and bring us unbearable pain.
When people take drugs, at first, they feel like they’re walking on air, and seem very relaxed, but if they become addicted to it, they’ll suffer when they don’t continue taking it.
A drug addict once shared his story with others. When he experienced withdrawal symptoms, it felt as if worms were gnawing through his body, eating away at his flesh and bones. He was in unbearable suffering.
When he wanted to throw himself against the wall, he couldn’t control his behavior. He spoke openly about his drug withdrawal. He explained that he really wanted to quit, but he had a very high price to pay and it took him a very long period of time. In truth, once our minds go astray, we’ll go down a deviated path in life.
But if we can be wise and remain unwavering, we won’t be tempted by the five desires and suffer their terrible consequences. There is a short story in Buddhist sutras.
The Woman and the Hound
A woman who was well-loved by her husband lived happily with her well-to-do family.
One day, the woman met a young man who swept her off her feet with sweet talk. So, she had an affair with him.
The young man told her: “I hate that we can’t see each other openly. Why don’t we leave this place and start our own family somewhere else?” The woman agreed with him.
So, one day, after her husband went out, she packed up all the valuable things in the house and left home, heading for the pier. When the young man saw her, he said: “Here, hand me your belongings. I’ll take them to the opposite shore first, and then come back for you, or there will be consequences if we get caught.”
She agreed and said, “You’re right! Take this to the other side. I’ll wait for you here.” So, the young man took the woman’s belongings. The woman waited for him longingly.
One day went by, then two days, and then three days. She felt hungry and cold, so she walked under a tree and hoped the tree could shelter her from the rain and the wind. Feeling cold and hungry, she felt very miserable, and was deeply remorseful. She dared not go home, yet he hadn’t returned.
Suddenly, she saw a hound. It clenched an eagle with its teeth. The eagle struggled to escape. With the eagle between its teeth, the hound saw a fish in the water. The hound let go of the eagle to catch the fish, but the fish swam away, and the eagle also flew away.
When the woman saw this, she laughed. She said, “What a foolish hound! You gave up a perfectly fine eagle for the fish! Now the eagle is gone, and so is the fish! How foolish of you!”
The hound looked back at her and said: “My foolishness only cost me a meal, but your foolishness has ruined your life!” It was a wakeup call for the woman.
“Not only was I foolish but also greedy. I gave up a rich and loving husband and also a good family for someone who had cheated me! This all resulted from a wrongful desire and it’s too late for remorse.”
People always want to follow their desires, but this doesn’t bring them happiness. Instead, it will bring them harm. They will feel ormented in this life or even in future lifetimes.
Therefore, we must not let our minds be tainted by desire. For example, some people like gambling. They might win some money at first, and give rise to greed. Eventually, they become addicted to it.
Such greed gets out of control, so we must refrain from it. It is thus
important to take care of our mind at all times so it won’t be swayed by external influence or by our inner desires. This way, we’ll be able to remain at ease.


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